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Vierte iPhone Generation. Die Reparatur an sich ist unkompliziert, aber Frontglas und LCD müssen gemeinsam ersetzt werden. GSM mit 8, 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität, Modell A1332 in schwarz und weiß.

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Why wont the LCD cable stay in?

Hi, I am replacing the screen and home button on my iPhone 4. The LCD cable is long enough to go in its socket, and looks like it should fit, but it does not pop in, and keeps sticking straight upwards. Any thoughts ?

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Remove the rubber bumper from the top of logic board, it may not be installed correctly. Fold the flex cable properly, many have the dotted lines where it should be folded.

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It turned out that the cables weren't folded properly. In the end I also had to use more force that I thought to get the cable to go in, but now all is well and iPhone is fixed.


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Also make sure that both cables are pulled through all the way and aren't pinched between the lcd and chassis.

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