everyone says they can barely hear me
the person who calls me or the person I call all say I sound like Im in a tunnel, adjusting the volume does not help. also some calls I make or receive say HD, why?
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the person who calls me or the person I call all say I sound like Im in a tunnel, adjusting the volume does not help. also some calls I make or receive say HD, why?
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Hello ellaray48,
That's mean your mobile operator enabled HD voice facility and i guess that is fault which you experiencing. HD voice working only in 3G/4G network modes. you can solve the issue switch to phone 2G,
setting > More >mobile networks > network settings > enable "Use only 2G networks
Most of HD Voice issue coming from mobile operator and escalate case to them
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Tried that and is didn't work, I have the same problem, no one can hear me, but when i used the speaker phone they can hear me just fine, and clues to what can be done ?
I haven't tried the speaker phone, but no one can hear me and I can no longer use Shazam. It worked fine at first. I bought my phone in April and two weeks ago it suddenly stopped working.
I have not had this phone a good month can't anyone hear me!! Help Help!!!
I've had my phone for two days literally. No one can hear me I broke my old phone accidentally. It was my only option. It's bullshit I can't return this B's phone because I'm poor i. Can't call my kids that I miss because they can't hear my. ZTE knows that there's a problem. I'm sure At@t compensates because we will all go out and get a Samsung or LG or I phone. Give them higher revenue. F you. You only are fn those who can't afford it. There is no reason to put crap on the market other than to drain further those who struggle to afford it. These are the simple straws that add to break a camel's back
I was having the same problem wit my zte blade where if I called out or someone called in I could hear them but they could not hear me... I packed my brain trying to find out WTF was causing this..
Well I ride a bicycle everywhere I go n it is my main means of transportation. On the backbone of my bike in front of me I have a holder for my phone which is where it stays while I'm riding. When I get off I simply unhook it and dump it into my pocket when I go into a store, buddy's house, or just anywhere... Now the mic hole is located on the bottom of the phone next to the charging port and it ain't but a butt hair big... So I started thinking" %#*@, I'll bet it's clogged up." I took a tooth brush and stuffed one of the nylon bristles into the hole and that seems to have worked for my situation....
I hope that all of you having this problem is as simple as mine to fix...
OK when the phone says HD on in notifications double click it then press info then double click it again and force stop it everything works fine for me now
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OK guys listen I had the same exact problem with my phone. This is how to fix it permanently. Find where it says HD mode on in the status bar and click it twice holding it down on the second time it will open up and you will see the Android guy and a file name next to the HD file name you will see an ( i ) for more information, click that to open it, now click FORCE STOP the phone will warn you of future problems click OK and your good to go. In a day or two the HD thing will pop back up but will say it is HD ready but the HD is not on and it being on is what is going wrong with your phone
I was having this problem as well. I checked the microphone with a flashlight (which is the small whole that's at the bottom of the phone, next to the USB port), and I noticed that there was some crap in it. I used a needle and removed it, and that did the trick. People can hear me perfectly now. BUT BE CAREFUL NOT TO GO TOO DEEP WITH THE NEEDLE, you might damage the microphone.
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The mic could need to be replaced. More likely than not its a hardware issue with the phone. How long did it work before it started ? And does it always happen now or sometimes not?
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Hello I have a zte z959 grand x3 handset and no one can hear me on my calls,not on speaker either.how can it be fixed
Speak into the holes at the top and bottom of phone that's where your mic is. Or clean the area where the holes are they tend to get clogged with dust
Microphone are the holes at the top and bottom of the phone they tend to get clogged with dust. You may use a small pen needle or blow air into the holes. This actually work with my phone which is a ZTE XL.
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I had the same issue with a brand new zmax xl phone I took it to the sprint tech and they replaced my phone with a brand new phone and I am still having the same issue. No one can hear me when they call me.
My friend had been having trouble for months. Today he determined that the mic is on the back so you have to hold the palm of your hand over the screen instead of the back.
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Got new phone last week but mic does not work. No one can hear me. Just bought another phone today and have the same problem. Mic not working. Bought both ZTE Z233VL. This problem needs to be dealt with.
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On 10/13/2018, I bought a ZTE Z233VL phone at Wal-Mart (part of a TracPhone 120 min. pkg.). Right away other parties could not hear me if I called them or they called me. On 10/24 I took the phone back to Wal-Mart and sales person in phone dept. took battery out and then replaced it. She and I tested phone a few times - she called my phone from store landline and I called her from my ZTE. My ZTE mic sound was OK (so-so clarity) for both of us. I don't know if mic problem was permanently fixed or not, but I only need a cell phone for a family vaca in Nov. I definitely prefer my landline!
I fixed this problem on my husbands phone in a really unusual way. I put the phone into developer mode and disabled automatic routing to usb audio peripherals and bluetooth audio peripherals. Here’s the unusual part: The phone was second hand and the neighbours bought a new car. The new car was a make it had previously shared a bluetooth and USB connection with. Even though blutooth was off the ‘automatic audio peripheral’ function seems to have divided the phone’s audio potential in anticipation of connection.
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Also they can't hear me and no sound if you record video
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15 Kommentare
were you ever able to solve this issue? i know the mic works the only time i have problems is during calls, i'm disappointed. if there is a fix, please post!
von streetfairie
It's because of the placement.... Best thing is to just get a microphone equipped earbuds.... That solves the issue...
von Daniel Garner
I cannot hear when my phone ring I miss all calls and the volume is so low I cannot hear . This phone is no good
von Usman Karamat
Why can’t the outside person not hear me anymore? It worked before so I was able to have conversations with the person on my porch now they can’t hear me, what’s wrong?
von Kent2009
I had the same problem then I downloaded Gold Speaker Booster from Google Play. I set my Phone Vol. at 81% & Booster to 20%. So for this has
solved the Volume problem.
von Billy Barnhill
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