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The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX80 is a compact camera that is capable of capturing sharp photos in all types of light, and also includes Wi-Fi.

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How do I clean the inside sensor?

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How do I clean the inside sensor?

My camera has a visible spot on all the pictures how do I clean the sensor would like some detailed instructions on how to disassemble the camera in the process please and thank you

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To all those of you who have this problem with particles on the sensor: Follow the disassembly guide already provided on this site till you remove the dark plastic (not metal) cover that is underneath the LCD screen. Now remove these three very obvious philips 00 screws that hold the sensor unit - you don't have to unplug it. Once the screws are removed you can lift off the sensor unit and have a close look at the sensor surface (you may be in for a surprise, how much dust has accumulated on that supposedly sealed area). I took a fine sable hair artists brush to wipe all the dust off - purists might cringe but it worked fine for me.

It has been mentioned for other camera types that the exact placement of the sensor unit is essential for the picture processing, i.e. the tightening of the sensor screws can influence the picture quality. I am not sure if this is true for the WX80, still having had that in mind I made a mental note, how tight the screws were in their seatings.

When reassembling the camera bear in mind that the reinsertion of these two LCD screen cables is a bit finicky, or at least it was to me.

A remarkable improvement of your picture quality should be the result, one is still left wondering, why Sony didn't take better precautions to avoid this problem.

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Thank you for the help :) it has been so long since I posted this problem the camera has practically fallen apart.... Love the functions and people friendly usability on this camera but most of the camera is plastic and just not built to last. :'( Until it stopped charging the battery mine was held together with sticky tape.


The most helpful answer might be helpful if it included the url of the "disassembly guide on this site"


Thank You Freddy Cat


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I've seen a youtube "tutorial" where a guy uses his vacuum cleaner to clean the camera, holding it over the lens as the camera is off, then while the camera is on. claims it works perfectly. I wanted to try it on my sony camera but then noticed my camera stopped working altogether... sigh.

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Thank you for the help I was a little worried at first trying it, but it did and no it did not help ty :)


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My camera has the same problem only I have a blurry hair rather than a dot. How does one open the camera to clean the sensor and back of lens?

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