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How do I clean the ink absorber pads

How do I clean the ink absorber pads on the Canon PIXMA MP490 printer?

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Bewertung 37
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great that it tells you how to clean them but how do you get them out??

Mine is a Canon MX522 Pixma


I searched and finally found a video that showed it. You don't have to remove the holder. Just push down on one end of the absorber and the other end will lift up. Then use tweezers to pull it out.


I can't find a model number on my PIXMA and it doesn't look like any of the videos I found on the web. I found that the absorber pads, however, under the resting place of the 240 & 241 ink cartridges were held in place by a rectangular rubber cup that doesn't come out. After some fiddling, I realized that the rubber cup doesn't come out but the rather hard pads they held came out easily.


I have a Pixma 4500 and took the pads out easily with tweezers. They stuck a little but finally grabbed them. I kept looking for "the frame" that was used to describe where they were sitting, but it's not a frame like a picture frame, it's a seated bottom with cutouts for both shaped pads with an attached frame around edge. It is also not soft rubber but hard from years of use. I wasted much time just trying to pull on edge with tweezers thinking it was just a wrap around frame. Then I got so frustrated and just grabbed and pulled it hard with tweezers and to my surprise this whole piece came out that has a full bottom where both pieces sit in ,with an edge all around. Thinking it was just a frame I was gently pulling and of course nothing happened. Give a good yank and you should have no problem. Still don't know if it will fix my problem as Im soaking them in warm soapy water now. Spent the whole night on this- Hope it helps!


I have a MG 2922 and it looks like the ink absorbers are on the left side inside the printer.., how do I get in? They don’t move with the ink cartridges


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Jim Strangways try this:

1. Open the printer as though you were going to install new ink cartridges, letting the cartridge cradle move to the center of the printing unit. Unplug the printer so that the cartridges will remain in their position.

2 Locate the waste ink absorbers in their black rubber frame. They will likely be on the right side of your printer, and will be located underneath the area where the ink cartridges rest when the printer is in standby mode.

3 Use a paper napkin or other disposable and absorbent material to soak up any excess ink that may be in the pads by pressing it down onto the top of the frame.

4 Pull the rubber frame free from the printer, wearing gloves to keep your hands clean. Carefully remove the ink absorber pad or pads from the rubber frame.

5 Insert new ink absorber pads firmly into the rubber frame. Replace the rubber frame in its original position and close the printer.

6 Hold down the power button, then plug the printer back in. Continue holding the power button down until the printer begins to reset itself and come online.

7 Wait for the green power light to turn off, then press and release the power button again. It should blink for two to three seconds, then stay lit; this will indicate that the printer has been reset and is ready to print again without errors. From here

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Bewertung 22

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All went well until restarting the printer. It is still not printing. Now it has a small orange triangle in the display window on steady with a flashing green character in the display to the right rotating from "E" to "0" to "8" repeatedly.


I tried step 6 & 7, above and I still get an error 5B800. Also, my ink absorber pad came out, with a little help from a tweezer.


The ink cartridges will not come to the middle because the flashing alert is on


Could someone include a picture or diagram? Thank you very much.

I can't even find these "absorber pads". Canon provides no help whatsoever and I will never buy one again. Thinking of an Epson, where I guess this maintenance is relatively straightforward.


Canon MG 4250. Trying to get the small pads out from under the cartridges. Works if you fool the machine into moving the cartridges to the left and then pulling out the power lead. This gives you access. However the small bits in the rubber housing are not the waste ink sponges or tank, The waste ink is stored at the bottom of the machine to the right as you face it. Take off the right hand side panel, carefully levering it off at various places, and you will see the top of the waste ink distribution box connected to a small white pipe, Put gloves on and cover the work surface. Under the white plastic box are loads of flat sponges/pads, all full of ink. The bottom of the casing is also wet with ink. I have started to extract and wash out the ink and now the pads are drying. Tomorrow we will see a) if I can get it all back together, b) if I can then clear the software issue that is stopping the printer working, and finally, c) whether it would have been better to just go out and buy another machine.


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Canon printer uses small, spongy pads to absorb ink, while printing the print heads. when these pads are

sopped the printer send a message that"Ink absorber Full". Follow these steps to clean the Ink absober

1. Take a bowl with warm water and add some soapy material

2. Open the ink cartridge compartment

3. wait for ink cartridges and disconnect the printers power cord

4. Look balck rubber frame under the ink cartridge

5. pull the rubber frame out of the printer and remove ink absorber pads

6. clean the pads in the bowl

7. After cleaning stack them three or four paper towels to dry

8. and check the pads whether they dry or not

9. Place the pads back to the rubber frame

10. Now reconnect the power button and start

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Bewertung 10

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Does not seam to cover my MX885 canon printer, ? on visual look at ink absorber ? which is a long tray, how is that removed ?.


How can I reach the black rubber frame in a canon printer TS 3350


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This guide helpful

Thinks and tools needed to clean Canon printer waste ink absorber:

+ Latex gloves – make sure your hands are not dirty

+ Prepare paper towels

+ A large bowl

+ And a little detergent

=> Follow these steps sequentially to clean the waste ink absorber tray

Step 1: Wear rubber gloves to ensure your hands do not stick ink, pour warm water into the bowl, get the dishwashing liquid ready.

Step 2: Open the ink tank. Depending on your Canon printer model, this may be in the front or the back of the device.

Then wait for the cartridge to move out, and then unplug the printer’s power cable.

Step 3: Look for a black rubber frame under the cartridge assembly. This is where the ink absorption pads.

Step 4: Pull the rubber frame out of the printer and remove the ink absorbent sponge. The number of gaskets varies by model.

Step 5: Put the gasket in the bowl. Rub and squeeze them to remove ink. When the water becomes cloudy with ink, remove the solution and fill the bowl with warmer soap water. Continue this procedure until all the ink is removed from the ink absorbent sponge.

Step 6: After cleaning the absorbent sponge, squeeze excess water from the sponge and place them on a stack of three or four paper towels to dry.

– Check the pads every hour to determine if they are dry. If paper towels become saturated, change them out. Can use a dryer to dry at a small level.

Step 7: Put the ink absorbent sponge back into the rubber frame as they dry completely. Insert into printer, reinstall cartridge.

Step 8: Press and hold the “Power” button and reconnect the power cord.

When the printer is on, release the button.

Wait for five seconds and press the “Power” button again.

This resets the printer’s internal memory and overwrites the error code “5B00 error”.

SPAM removed

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Bewertung 5

4 Kommentare:

Very helpful for me, thanks for sharing. Can this method apply to all Canon printers?


But I still can't get my Scanner to work ??


Thanks very much, I searched all over looking for this information, finally found yours, and it solved my printing problem, thanks again, for the very helpful information ??


How can I reach the black rubber frame ?


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Open the lid on your printer. If you have an owner's manual, consult it to determine the precise location of the waste ink absorber.

Let the ink or toner cartridge slide completely out of the way. You will now have free access to the waste ink absorber.

Detach the waste ink absorber by pulling gently on its rubber frame. Pull it away from the printer to remove it completely.

Unplug the printer to prevent mishaps.

Remove the foam pads and place them in a bucket of hot, soapy water. Let them soak long enough for the ink to get loose. You should be able to scrub it away easily. If you can't, you need to let the pads soak longer.

Spread out the pads on paper towels or newspaper. Allow them to dry completely. You might want to just let them dry overnight.

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cleaning ink absorber is pretty much same for all printers But You have to do it With Proper Equipment & resources. When ink absorber is Full Or Overflowing Or the Ink is dry then your Printer may start acting weired & it may end up not Printing. To fix the Problem Please Follow Given steps -

there is diffrent Way of Looking the Issue. Please Visit How to Clean Printer Printhead ( '''absorber pads)'''

  1. 1-2 Liter of Warm Water
  2. A Pot of Bowl that can contain water along with Print head
  3. Pure Isopropyl Alcohol Or Neutral Detergent
  4. Turn off the Canon Printer & disconnect it from Power Cord
  5. Open the Printer Cover take & carefully Press the Liver to take out the Ink Cartridges & Later Gently Eject the Printhead From the Carriage
  6.  Pour the Warm Water in Bowl & Mix it With Pure Isopropyl Water Or Neutral Detergent & mix it well.
  7. Place the Printhead Into this Mixture With Warm Water & leave it there for 3-4 Minutes
  8. You Can Also Place Ink Cartridges into the same water & Get it cleaned.
  9. Just shake the water & Gently Empty the water out of the bowl.
  10. Pour the Cleaner Warm Water in Bowl again With Alcohol & wash it up one more time

Take out the Printhead Out of the Water & Use Clean Paper towel Or Cotton Cloth to Dry it Out.

Make sure No Water is Left on Printhead on Cartridge & Use a Hot Air Dryer Or Sunlight to Clear out Any Moisture Out these components.

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Bewertung 3

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This is not relevant to the question, which was about the ink ABSORBER.


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Here is what worked for my MX882. If Canon is unable to assist, or generically refers you to Service Center or replacement (as was my case), try the following at your own risk:

1. Download Service_Tool_v3400.zip . This was the hardest part, as there were many dubious download sites. I successfully downloaded a virus-free version from foreign site http://resetters.ru/?showtopic=16305, and found the link on post #13 from Sir Sava.

2. Connect printer by cable to your computer (not WiFi).

3. Access Service Mode on printer. Power off. Press and hold Stop/Resume button, press and hold Power button, release Stop/Resume button, and then press Stop/Resume button five times. Then release Power button.

4. Open Service_Tool_v3400 program:

- Set Destination Region: USA

- Clear Ink Counter / Absorber: select Main

- Click Set in lower right corner of screen

5. This reset my error code, and when I restarted printer, it was fully functional. For me, this process resurrected this Canon printer (my third in three years).

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Make sure you run a virus checker on the service tool. I believe the one above is the one from a Russian site I tried that was not virus free. I did find a version 3.6 download that was virus free, and although it did not display it's menus properly, I was able to use it to reset the ink absorber counter.


@jwgish I have not been able to find the virus-free version. Do you still have the link? Can you add the link ? Thanks


I can open the service tool, change the destination region, clear ink counter but when I click "set" which is to the left of each option I get the following error code: Error! (error code : 009). Does anyone know why I'm getting that or what to do about it?


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Canon printer uses small, spongy pads to absorb ink, while printing the print heads. when these pads are

sopped the printer send a message that"Ink absorber Full". Follow these steps to clean the Ink absober

1. Take a bowl with warm water and add some soapy material

2. Open the ink cartridge compartment

3. wait for ink cartridges and disconnect the printers power cord

4. Look balck rubber frame under the ink cartridge

5. pull the rubber frame out of the printer and remove ink absorber pads

6. clean the pads in the bowl

7. After cleaning stack them three or four paper towels to dry

8. and check the pads whether they dry or not

9. Place the pads back to the rubber frame

10. Now reconnect the power button and start

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Do the rubber pads go back in smooth side up, or vice versa?


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As someone else noted these little hard plastic pads are NOT the ink absorbers, you may be able to look in and see the pipes leading to the actual absorbers. If anyone knows if the real ones can be cleaned or actually need to be cleaned please advise. Anyhow the reset tool brings the printer back into service for now !

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What is the reset tool


a button says reset


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Canon printer is use specific cartridge. It have functionality to absorber the extra ink. Canon printer is an ink absorber pad that soak up excess ink from the from the ink cartridge. Canon printer have amazing functionality when the ink absorber pad is full then cannon printer display the notification of error messages.

Follow these steps for replace the ink absorber on Canon printer.

Fill large bowel with warm water and take a rubber gloves.

Open the ink Cartridge compartment.

Wait the ink cartridge to move all over way, then disconnect the printer.

take the rubber and clean your absorbering pad carefully.

And this method will be do step by step and carefully

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Inside the printer, there is a little hose that leads to the pad. where all the extra ink goes down. Clean it and everything will be okey. RODEL BANEZ

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