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The Dell Inspiron 13-7352 was first introduced in August 2014. It is a 7000 series laptop.

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Why is my battery life so short?

What's the best aftermarket battery for this computer?

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Make sure the charging adapter is connected to a live power source. Also, make sure the charging port on the laptop is free of dust or debris. Use an air duster to remove anything obstructing a proper connection. If these solutions do not succeed, you may have to replace your charging adapter, or the battery itself. Refer to the Battery Replacement Guide on the device page to see the steps.

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Your battery is "dead". And Windows doesn't detect that. Your only solution is to get it replaced and learn to take care of the new battery, here is a guide for you to follow when you get the new battery: http://www.ehow.com/how_5646359_care-lap......

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