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Aufpolierte Version des iPhone 3GS mit schnelleren Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit. Die Reparatur geht ähnlich wie beim 3G vonstatten und braucht nur einfache Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Modell A1303 mit 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität mit schwarzer oder weißer Kunststoffrückseite.

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replace home button?


Home Button crashes after opening the device I discovered that one of the pieces had been broken gold medals

I bought a new home button is clearly in the picture


I would like to know how to remove the old button and install the new

thank you .

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It's easier to just solder the pin back on.

I've had several of these home button failures brought into my store and just put a slight dab of solder onto the connector from where it came. It's a very simply circuit and I've had 100% success with this method.

Make sure its bent up slightly to allow the pressure to connect onto the dock flex cable the activates the home button response.

Otherwise you have to fully disassemble the lcd, and heatgun remove the front panel/glass-digitizer and peal out the home button.

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thank you

Do you mean that i must remove the digitizer

What is the next step

Note that I want to replace the piece shown in the picture only


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I mean that you dont have to remove anything, you can put a dab of solder onto the flex cable and affix the pin back on.

Otherwise you will have to heat gun off the digitizer/front glass to remove the home button which could lead to broken glass, torn flex cables, etc..

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thank you

I have tried to put the dab of solder but to no avail

And there is no solution unless we replace the flex cables I'm sure this



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