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Asus ZenFone 2 (ZE551ML) is an Android smartphone manufactured by ASUS released March 2015.

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No Sim Card detection and no sound

After a shock, my phone doesn't detect my Sim card, and the sound and vibrate mode doesn't functionning too.

I have tested my Sim card with another phone, the card us correctly detected so it's a phone issue and not Sim card issue.


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I have the same problem.


I have the same problem, it started with the SIM, later with the sound and then it doesnt even vibrate now. I cant even wake up in the morning.


My phone ha no seen Sim card and no sound


I have same problem too,

No sim cards detected, no SD card detected, no vibration and no speakers,

The fex cable of sim card slot is broken at one side?

Is changing it would fix everything??


I have the same problem, it just happend randomly T_T


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Not a direct answer, but it might help.

I also have this problem in two zenfone2's, plus slow charging/no charging/overheating/fast battery drain.

I Managed to fix the one that almost never turned on (2GB ram) by replacing the USB power board at the bottom in of the phone, now its working perfectly!

The other one which has the same problems but turns on(3GB ram). The board replacement did nothing to it.

Since the speaker, vibrator, sim, charging are all on that lower board I expect the problem to be either from the lower USB board, or the single large ribbon cable connecting the upper and lower boards and having all the card slots on it.

The lower board is very easy to replace and it's cheap, 5$ or less on eBay. But I can't find the ribbon cable, except for ones that are pre attached to the battery, and those are expensive!

I will test replacing the lower board again today, if there is a change I will post it here. If not don't wait for a reply.

If you happened to fix it, or tried something with it, let me know maybe we could figure it out.

I hope this helped.

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Not working sounds, video's sim cards slots


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