GE Profile Microwave Display Panel Too Dim
We have a GE Profile microwave oven that's probably 10-15 years old and the panel display has gotten very dim, and almost impossible to read during the day.
Is there a brightness control anywhere? Or do we need to replace the display?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
7 Kommentare
Thanks, Mayer! Still running my own business, I don't have time to take the unit apart ... I'll get a quote from the local appliance repair guy instead and then make the repair/replace decision.
von Bill Treloar
Mine has the same problem, came that way new. Very frustrating that I would have to pay for the repair.
von Ken Kappeler
We have a GE Profile microwave oven that's probably 10-15 years old and the panel display has gotten very dim, and almost impossible to read during the day.
Is there a brightness control anywhere? Or do we need to replace the display?
von lynnsanchez
Most probably it is aging capacitors on the control board as these affect the voltage to the display. See the answers below about possible fixes.
It's way cheaper looking for and replacing caps than buying a new? control board
von jayeff
I’ll look into performing a similar operation on mine. I have not tried disassembling the unit yet, so I can’t say if the solution you found will work for me. Thanks!
von Ken Kappeler
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