Call log does not show in huawei 3c
Call log does not show in huawei 3c from 3 days ago. Older call logs are ok but new one is not shown or saved . How can i fix it ?
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Call log does not show in huawei 3c from 3 days ago. Older call logs are ok but new one is not shown or saved . How can i fix it ?
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Hello geor geor ,
just correct date, time and time zone. your issue will be fixed automatically.
Note : actually call logs updating according to system time. scroll down and you may find newly received calls log info on bottom & you will received an error "security certificate error " when you begin to surf internet. after re-correct date and time both issue will be solve
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If you have a Google Account on the device remove it. Test the call logs. Re add.
That should do the trick!
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I have Purchased Honor 3c in before 1.6 years back ...after within 1 month my phone got water damaged..after clean it I have face Problem for Charging ..Charging while my mobile battery not charged it's saw Charging but no charged ...I saw to Service center they Told inside some IC cmos has problem & u need to change new Mobile PCB board....They told PCB cost around 7 k& my mobile was 11 k..Than after till date I have used my phone by external I don't have any problem for day to day use..but I needed to charge battery by external.. If anybody know person who know to repaired my problem.. I m very thankfully ..I loved this phone..
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1 Kommentar
Is your internal storage space running low on your phone? Is your date and time correct?
von Ben