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Reparaturanleitungen für Displays (oder Monitore) für Computer und andere Geräte mit Video-Ausgang.

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My computer screen is just turning white on startup?

So I am currently having a problem with a computer screen I have. Whenever I turn the computer on and then turn on my screen, the screen just turns white and like blank. I don't know what to do, so I just try to turn off the screen and then turn it on a few minutes later. But that never works! I can't even use the screen. It's always white, no matter what. Does it have to do with the graphics card or something? Can anyone please help me with my problem? Thanks.

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my compute is trun white i need help


guyz my problem is also same my one gets black totally bt i use it by the help of task manager i use it every all works by this


My screen is white it wont shut down


My screen is also white on start-up, I have an hp pavilion, I left it on overnight, however it was off and then white when I woke up, advice?


Ah I've also facing as the same problem so anyone can config; that error please.


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Same thing has happened with my computer screen. While I was using it, suddenly it would just turn white. So I told my parents, and my dad brought it to a computer guy to fix. The guy said it had to do with the board that is inside your computer (directly under your keyboard). They have to replace the board inside with a new one. What caused this to happen is that on the side of your computer there is something that is breathing out air and you might have just laid it down on a couch/bed and it suffocates because you are covering the holes that are trying to breathe. This causes the board inside to melt. Hope this helped you xxxx



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Ok, obviously you know nothing about electronics and most likely got scammed. First of all, the board does not melt. At worst, it will get a cold solder joint. The computer guy was right; is does have something to do with the board, but it depends if its a desktop or laptop, if its a laptop it is most likley cracked or it has a broken/dissconnected lvds cable or it has a cold solder joint under the gpu. If its a desktop it probably has bad capacitors.


For me, it was bad capacitors and now it works fine.


Hi Gigabit878, how do you fix bad capacitors? Is it likely to be the motherboard or graphics card? As a non-techie but with some tech knowledge, I wouldn't know how to go about this without changing the board/card.




How much did this cost?


I'm reading online that you may be able to remedy this by removing the battery and pressing the power button do discharge the laptop. Then, turn it on again to see if that fixed the problem.


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Do you have a display or a monitor? If it's a monitor, try plugging it into a computer and turning them both on. You might consider telling us what you have.

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um,its a a viewsonic moniter,i've used it for some time and a dell tower.


First unplug both. Reseat the video card and tighten the cable connections to both the card and the monitor. Now plug both back in and restart each.


where can i find my video card?


It will be in a PCI slot inside the unit. It's the thing the monitor cable is attached to.


huh?im confused,not really understanding


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Hey, I got the same problem it's not your dell tower but it's the screen....

cause I took off my cable and connected my Cpu to another screen and it worked, I even tried it on my TV through VGA Cable.... and it works.

The Solution:

Turn on your computer

Turn on the Monitor, if it is white(Blank) then press the power button to turn it off and turn it on instanly.

The Screen will continue to be white, then again turn off the monitor and unplug it.(NOTE: Unplug only the Monitor) Now after one minute plug it and turn it on.

It will work...cause I just did it so that I could google search the problem and I fell on this forum....

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Didn't work :(


Well mine it worked,although I had to press it a thousand times to get the screen back to normal,such a total hassle but it works,maybe 1 out of 50 consecutive offs and ons will get it back to normal..............for now..and the symptoms gets back again and the cycle goes on....


Mine is having the same issue. Hooked up to my pc and it works fine, which means the monitor went bad.


I had the same issue and after several restarting the laptop by using the power button as well as pressing F8 ,the screen first turned black and gradually it started to show different colours in line then it beguns to show me the screen,by now i saw the system performing startup repair but still the screen was sometime white and sometime black... and me waiting and watching , May God help me .. u know i love my laptop so much and this situation is like giving it a mouth to mouth breathing first aid....


Don't work:(


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try starting in safe mode with command prompt( hit f8 upon booting up) type explorer in the command prompt and use system restore to the closest point (system restore cannot be undone in safe mode.)then either download a reliable malware disinfecting programme or run the one on your system as I think the white screen is a nasty Trojan that needs to be removed.

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Good man, it bloody worked I say... Still I dont know bout the troyan though...


Thanks so much! This worked, I downloaded AVG now, so hopefully my desktop is safer.


I keep tapping f8 and nothing happens


Thank you , it's back to normal now. ...


Please I have the same issue with my Laptop. It is always White whenever I put it on and I have test it with a desktop using the VGA cable but it's blank on desktop.

Laptop Descript: HP Pavilion Entertainment


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Step1- Disconnect monitor with computer. Simply switch on only monitor. If u don't see "no signal" clearly without white display, then I'm sure its monitor trouble. Buy new or repair it.

Step2- if u see no signal message clearly then problem is with your graphic card.

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How to repair an LCD monitor?


My problem with my monitor is it turns white after a few moment?


I had a bad video flicker, the screen went crazy. Then it went white and even if the HDMI cable was disconnected! It is the bad monitor that got smoked by a bad video card!!


could be a lose connection going from the lcd panel to one of the boards inside the monitor. corrosion can also cause it along with a bad capacitor


* Wait so rajish I connected my monitor blue cable for display and all I saw was a white screen nothing else but I could hear the windows startup sound but when I disconnected the blue cable for display my monitor just went fully black for my monitor which is Acer blue light means it's on and Yellow means it's off I think when I unplugged the blue cable the light went yellow and my screen went black with no message just full black like I never turned it on does this mean it's a problem with my graphics card or monitor


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The problem is most likely a capacitor inside your monitor, they burn out after a while, so you might be able to fix it by replacing the bad one. If you're lucky you can spot a bad one by checking if the top metal flat is bulging.

For reference you can look at this link, the second picture shows what I'm talking about: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?a...

Whiteouts and blackouts can also be caused by other components, so replacing the capacitor may or may not fix the problem.

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ps. I know this thread is old, but %#*@, the answers already posted here would make any dead scientist spin in his/her grave.


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If you’re troubleshooting a PC monitor (not a laptop), then disconnect everything and plug your power cable into the wall and turn your monitor power button on. If the screen is white, the issue is with the monitor. If the screen displays that it’s not receiving a signal, then it’s a graphics card issue. If it’s white, then it’s likely blown capacitor/s.

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it may be some thing wrong with your video card.

try in another computer.

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as soon as you start your computer you have to press F8 key continuously until unless you cannot see any option..and later you will safe mode you have to start you compuiter

on safe mode....

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What is 'safe mode'?


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it probably is caused by a damaged LCD, the best option for a case like this would be to get it replace or you can use a cable like HDMI or what works for you computer to project the screen display to another monitor, that is if you want to save time and money.

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Someone else posted it may be battery

To test first remove power cord then remove battery

press start if it tries to start up then it's most likely you need a new battery

I got one on eBay

My laptop is HP and the replacement number is written on the battery

All works fine now

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mine is hp too this is &&^&^$^ stupid


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This comment board is a mess…Seriously.

Sorry for this story I’ve presented but I think it is necessary for all of you who would like to fathom what it is we do in technology. Regarding White Screens? There can only be an answer that has understanding of the question. Questions are based on interpretations and written to convey a vague understanding. I have read most of the Pot-Luck answers which probably determine their answer by lookups and generalizations. I am of age enough with experience to comprehend manufacturing cause I have done so and been there. I am sure there are those like me who can say the same. I am not out for the point system . Here is my answer. My wife’s laptop, Toshiba, Satellite, 17in, L355-S7902, purchased in 2008. It has been around and only because I take care of things. I have a 1985 Panasonic Microwave which still beats the top of the line today. My wife complained of the white screen pandemic. To answer this question, requires a thousand and 52 answers. The GPU chip and a socket array are beyond most of our comprehension. Try for example 21 billion transistors in a given chip and even more. then there are those with perhaps a few 100K. For perspectives, lets say 144 pinout or 1060 pinout with perhaps 300, 000 to 60 billion internal transistors. That is just to give you an idea of possibilities of variables your laptop and mine could conjur in possible symptoms. So a technician has to fathom possibilities based on what little or accumulated knowledge he or she has. Enough!

Getting to the “white screen”. Our laptop was brought to my attention it had a white screen. How and why unknown but had to be determined. So I approached this thing with skepticism. First sign was heat. second sign was no air exhaust. Display appearance, low contrast, colors normal, video performance normal. Ran an onboard video check, good. Audio ….good. Typematic response normal. Ran Memory test and Processor test (Intel) both very good. Here is where I made my first mistake, I overlooked the Dual Processor. Later I looked at the BIOS to ensure all was enabled accordingly. All was fine except the dual processor was only singley enabled, the other was disabled. Why and how. Processors are temperature sensitive items. The have control for their behavior. Both the GPU and CPU’s operate in relative vicinity. Therefore cooling is again the issue. So I disassembled the main body front, back, and keyboard, and display, such that I can operate the unit as well. I was awed at how much dust accumulated in the GPU/CPU region. The fan and duct was so thick I could not even see a spec of light through. The fab was caked the processors were caked. %#*@ someone neglected this poor thing. I cleaned it up thoroughly everywhere. Temperatures were benefitting. The GPU was showing signs of physical failure, It was evident of burn. A big brown spot on top, conductive cement was burned. I cleaned both and recemented them. For as old as this unit was it was looking good now. Lastly I checked and rechecked the cables and connectors. The GPU Cable was evident of heat burn. I located one on Ebay and ordered it. I installed it and rechecked one last time all remaining devices, connectors, cables, device chip pinouts. Often when heat becomes and issue cold solder can wreak havoc. Toshiba’s are good equipment. I reassembled everything clean and tight. One thing I lacked and was quite essential was freeze spray. This is serious requirement for checking thermal runaway of chips.

So down to nitty gritty. Observations! I observed the display to act erratically in the in the initial turnon. 1st white screen happened 40 seconds after turnon ( that was before cleaning) then happened multiple times erratically between 20 and 200 seconds. Observation however was erred because I failed to observe before boot. After I realized my err, I then rechecked for pre-boot errors. This was important because pre boot versus post boot are indicative of BIOS versus OS. So I eventually deduced the symptom was both BIOS and OS related. This indicated to me the it was an issue common to both. Heat. Normally I would have use my TC Thermal Couple, wasn’t necessary. I relocated to upstairs to further observation. I had an external monitor. I connected it via VGA cable symptoms were same as internal. But! the response for failure took much longer. The internal Monitor was much more requiring power and generated heat. With external monitor the heat internal was much less. I was hoping I could continue operating the laptop considering the heat reduction. I managed to illiminate all software possibilities by deducing apps, programs, devices, and functions so that I could uninstall as much as possible. I got down to bare OS. No changes. Keep in mind I did all this so I can validate everything that could affect the symptom, functions, and the likely components. The unit works fine considering however the problem needs a replacement of GPU.

So was this a benefit to resolve?, no. Considering the time and expense. In manufacturing I had an XRAY device, and debug devices. They would have been serious time savors. When anything is purchased off the manufacturing floor defects happen. Human defects, sloppiness, inept, incompetent work, systematic errors, test errors and failure, rework slop. oversight, carelessness.

What I found was that heat and engineering/manufacturing oversight was cause for this failure. based on a life cycle of 12 years. Since 1975 manufacturing made goods that lasted nearly 20 years plus. The fact that this unit lasted since 2008, 12 years and was oversighted PMCS for nearly 8 years., this was a good item to purchase.

Bottom line? You want to pay 1000 dollars of 300. If you are to repurchase items for long term or short term that is your choice. If you will top take care of these goods or not it still amounts to your money. This item I evaluated lasted 12 years. It has been worth 3 times what the market was anticipated. This unit costed us 550 dollars back then. I have been evaluating another unit at roughly the same price $700. Since I know the quality of Manufacture my purchase will again live long. However when anything purchased becomes decadent you cant afford to pay in repair more than 1/2 its cost or as some will 1/3 its cost. Perhaps some will read this most not. I hope this has meaning to those who care for their goods.

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Jordan this is Israel

check your pc system board and look at the capacitors on the board if any is blown out replace them immediately and you will be on

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My laptop screen display was appearing white alongwith lines. I changed the screen connector cable but the problem was not resolved. I also changed the sceen but problem was still there. Finally, all screws of laptop casing were opened to investigate the route cause. On removing all the screws, the screen display became normal. Now screws were fitted one by one to find problematic screw. It was found that the screw that tighten the screen hinge with laptop motherboard casing was causing problem. When it was removed/ loosen then screen display became normal. Basically this screw was causing short circuiting of motherboard due to which screen display was getting white.

I hope that other users may get some idea from resolution of my white laptop screen problem.

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Hi,please I have a problem with my laptop...it's new and now having issues after few months of usage...my screen just doesn't show anything anymore but it turns on..I thought maybe my screen got spoilt so I gave an engr to help change the screen ...

Alot of issues then came

If I turn the screen on its show like an ink ,so I have to turn on and off before it displays normal...I thought the engr got a fake screen so I got angry and went back to him ..he tested the screen with another laptop and it worked perfectly..I was shocked well now I'm turning on and off to use my laptop and few days later it didn't turn on again

It just shows white and the few engrs I have given it too are telling me to change screen or sale my laptop cause it may be ic problem which can damage a new screen

Please I need help


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I have a PLC screen which I use to control operation in a machine that produces plastic cups , thermoforming process) how ever during testing of the. Machine it gradually turns white now it's all white and can't figure out any control..

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