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This iteration of Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite series was released on June 30, 2015. The Kindle Paperwhite 3rd Generation is a 6-inch, 300 PPI reading display tablet that is Wi-Fi capable. The designated model number is DP75SDI.

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Why does my Kindle frequently disconnect from my wireless connection?

Every so often, my Kindle frequently disconnects from my wireless connection. I do not notice it while I am reading a book, but it is evident when I try to download a new one. Is there any way to fix this problem?

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That’s not the answer. The fire tablet is the ONLY device dropping the wifi signal while all other devices AND the router itself stays uninterrupted.


Same here. Kindle is the only device affected. ANNOYING!!!!


i am having the same exact issue and it is getting OLD its a fire 10 11th generation tablet on 5g network running like a 2g flip phone


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Gewählte Lösung

It may be possible that your router supplying the wireless connection is the issue. In this case, the router or modem that is being used to establish a connection may need to be restarted. Try restarting your Kindle and your router.

If the problem persists, then you may have a damaged wireless board that needs to be replaced, or you have to contact your internet service provider for further troubleshooting.

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My other connected devices are still connected


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Mine does the same, even though its set to auto reconnect. All programs go, I turn the Internet on the fire off, then on again, this usually fixes it until the next time. It never disconnects during actual use, just when you turn it off after reading for example. Not a big problem.

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Mine is doing the same did you find out how to fix the problem


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amazon does this deliberately and they lie about it , the just dont want to admit the use inferior components.

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I’ve advised Amazon of this issue. I’ve received two fire tablets, and connected them to multiple different networks and the result is always the same, device disconnects after a while and the device Wi-Fi has to be reset to reconnect

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i have reconnected over and over it literally flashes connection on and off as fast as a blinking light only on my wifi. NOTHING else is struggling to stay connected. i have two wifi connections running in my home. it is beyond frustrating. at my daughter's house it stays connected, i would probably agree it is my wifi IF i was having problens wigh other devices. It literally makes zero sense

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