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Repair guides and support for USB flash drives, also known as jump drives, USB sticks or thumb drives.

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How do I fix a DEAD flash Drive?

I have a Crucial 32 Folding flash drive. Worked fine on Tuesday night, plugged it in on Wednesday morning and... Nothing. Absolutely nothing! Problem is, it contains ALL my files (of course) which I need (of course). Is there a way to fix it myself (I have a "little bit" of electronics skills) , or should I send it off and jus pay the $$$$ to have it fixed and data recovered? Any ideas, suggestions? HELP?

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Did you rule out the computer usb ports? If so, you can start with an electronics cleaner and brush in the flashdrive plug.


Yes. Tried it in two diff computers. It "thinks" when I plug it in , then nothing. Opened it, no fuses or bad connectors . now what??? Is there a way to directly access the chip? Or can I take the chip out & put it into one that works?


i have a dead usb and a I want to repair it. but no , i trying diskpart,mini partition and disk genius but no. but he doesn't want to create a partition for me pls a app he is reparing a usb


hi there is t there a way to get access to a dead USB


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Before you take it apart try downloading easeus data recovery see if you can see your data there

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Good thought.


@pccheese explain your vote on this answer to me.


@oldturkey03 I have found no solution in the answer. It would be wiser to "remove as not an answer" than spam, though. My reason for a spam vote is because the recommendation of the software without any actual problem solving.


@pccheese actually I think it is very wise to check recovery programs before a physical repair. I'd think spam if there would have been an actual link to it, but there was not. Looks like personal preference to me;-)


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A BGA rework professional may be able to swap the memory to a new flashdrive, but without a hot air station you don't have a hope of switching it. Try pressing on the chips while you plug it in. Maybe it will work long enough to get your data. If not I would have to say send it in and pay. :(

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use partitionGuru Software

and change the drive letter maybe from E to R

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usb is not worked plz help me

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deadflash wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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