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Reparaturanleitungen und Support für das Honor 6, ein kostengünstiges Smartphone von Huawei, das erstmal 2014 auf den Markt kam. Es verfügt über ein 5" 1080p Display, einen Octa-Core Prozessor, sowie eine 3GB RAM.

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Bricked completely..can you assist?

My Huawei Honor 6 H60 L12 3 GBRam 32 GB Rom stopped working..will not charge and cannot boot up..is there a chance to repair it??

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I had this problem. Sent it to repair and after 3 months it did it again. <-- repeated another time. Then I connected it with usb to my Laptop lenovo s-10 ., before I turned the Laptop on. When I turned the Laptop on my Honor 6 began to charge. It was dead, totally dead before. Wouldn't charge with a charger, whatever charger I used nor would it charge, when I connected it to the turned on Laptop. I only tried it once.

Good luck Bodil

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