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How to recover the files from mac osx 10.11.4?

I upgrade my mac os to the latest mac os 10.11.4, but i found some files and company works are missing. How can i get them back?

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It is very convenient for Mac users to upgrade OS X to the latest 10.11.4. This minor update of EI Capitan is free for all Mac users. Actually, most of Mac users who are using EI Capitan operating system have upgraded OS X to 10.11.4. A few of them are facing data loss problems after upgrading OS X to 10.11.4.

Whether you lose files during the upgrade process or you lose files when the OS X has been upgraded, you can easily recover lost files under Mac OS X 10.11.4 EI Capitan with professional mac data recovery software. Do Your Data Recovery for Mac will help you easily restore lost files after upgrading OS X to 10.11.4. But first of all, you should find the right software that is compatible with the OS X 10.11.4.

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That doesn't sound good ;-{

If you didn't delete them the installer would't have altered them. But a drive that is dying can have files disappear. Upgrading OS's can be hard on the drive so its the prime time point people note odd issues like this. For now stop using your system as you don't want things to get worse.

OK, heres how I would do things:

First I would connect this system in Target Mode to a second Mac system via a FireWire or Thunderbolt cable. Then I would carefully copy off the important data using small collections of files (10 or so at a time) as larger groups could over stress the drive. Then to recover the lost files you'll need a utility like this one: Data Rescue.

Once you have gotten all of the files its time to test the drive to see if its still workable. I like this utility: Drive Genius. Otherwise I would replace the drive. As you didn't give us your exact model I can't guide you which drive to get. Depending on your model you could have either a SATA II (3.0 Gg/s) or a SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) drive make sure your new drive is able to run at the same SATA I/O speed from what your original drive was.

I hope you can recover things - Good Luck.

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I had the same problem (missing applications and files) after upgrading to OS X 10.11.4.

Here was my solution...

1) Reboot into another "user" on the Mac if you have one. In my case, I had earlier created a second "user"... However I think (hope) that the built-in secondary "Guest" account will work for this purpose. Pardon the pedantic instructions to follow if you're an experienced user, but just in case you're a beginner... To reboot into another "user" (or the "Guest" account), go to the Apple menu at the top left and then select the bottom choice to "Log out..."

2) Once you're in the other "user" account on the same Mac, in the Finder, click the "Go" menu and then the "Go to Folder..." selection (second from bottom). Then type in this without the parentheses ( /private/var/folders/ ) and click ok.

3) Once you see the contents of the folder, delete all folders EXCEPT the "zz" folder. Again, do not delete the "zz" folder. Not to be your overprotective mother, but once again, do not forget to IGNORE and DON'T TOUCH the "zz" folder. All others should be dragged to the trash, and empty the trash. You may be asked for an account and password to do so: Use the name of your usual account and its corresponding password. If it says it can't delete certain files, don't worry. Just leave them in the trash for now.

4) Now logout from the secondary or "Guest" account, and log into your usual account. If you are like me, you are suddenly back in business — all your files and folders and applications should suddenly reappear. You may thank a higher power at this point even if you're not a believer. This worked for me, so I hope it will work for you.


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