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The Philips Norelco Shaver 3100 is an all-in-one styling trimmer. It has multiple attachments for all your grooming needs. It is identified by model number QG3330/60.

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Where can ii get a replacement battery

Battery is dying - where can i get a replacement

15v 5.4w 1310/A

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Try batterupgrade.com, send them an email.

Good luck!

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You can go to a battery shop such as Batteries Plus. They can change the battery for you or you can do it yourself. It requires care in disassembly and reassembly but when shavers cost $100.+ dollars, it's worth it.

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I had this same issue with mine (Phillips Norelco Multigroom, not a 3100 model but one with a turbo button on it) and when I took it apart (great tutorial on Ifixit.com) I discovered that it is just 2 AAA batteries soldered in. I just purchased a set of them at my local store and soldered them in. Works great again.

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