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A 10.2-Megapixel digital SLR camera by Nikon.

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Camera suddenly does not take a photo

I've had the Nikon D3000 for a few years but suddenly, it will not take a picture when the button is pushed. There is a whirring sound, the flash pops up, but it won't focus or click. Please help.

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Hello my name is Valentina, I have a Nikon D3000, after I take a picture with my camera it doesn’t show up on the screen. Ca you help


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9 Antworten

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it is likely that the camera is set to focus priority for release, put the camera into fully manual mode by selecting M on the mode dial then put the camera into manual focus mode, by the select switch on the side of the lens, try to manually focus on something using the viewfinder, can you focus manually and does the shutter fire. if so you are dealing with an autofocus problem. given that this camera does not have a built in autofocus motor the problem lies with the lens and not the camera body, the kit lenses are relatively cheap to replace so you may as well give a bash at repairing the autofocus motor yourself. I cant really recommend a guide on how to do this as I don't know which lens you have.

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No change to problem


My camera intermittenly would not take a picture, i.e. no red light comes on the screen in Autofocus. Now it does not work at all. Changed lenses and it works perfectly, so the problem is in the lens. Can it be repaired?


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This has worked for me. Go into Menu . Chose wrench icon. Reset setup options. Select Yes.

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I honestly have no idea what this really all means but I tried it and it WORKED. thank you so very much.


It should still work with the screen on, it just won't in close (portrait mode). It just doesn't shoot in close range with the viewfinder.


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I found my auto lock up mode set to on. Now my d40 will take pictures but they are terribly blurry.

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I have a nikkon D5500 all the sudden is not taking pictures. Can someone help? please

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Mine has started doing the same thin. What can it possibly be. I have tried various lenses and it still doesn’t work.


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Hi Araceli,

i have similar problem with my D5500. Did you found the answer. Appreciate if share how you got it resolved.

Rahul Ranjan


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My Ď3400 can take photo but it is blurry.Can anyone please help me how to set it up?I tried reset setting but it won’t work.

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I have got the same issue , additionally my camera also makes some weird noise when I attach the lenses to the body


Hey there, two things helped me. First, make sure that your camera focus mode is on autofocus. Second, there is a piece on the right hand side of the viewfinder that you can twist back and forth, try playing around with that.


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My Nikon camera d3000 won't turn on or even take photos, and something smells of burnt. A green light also pops up. I don't know if it's the Memory Card or the Battery that burnt. Can you please help?

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Hi My nikon d3400 captures black photo only and I dont know why? It has black bars….. Can you guys help me plssss?

My email: mythsvilan@gmail.com

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My D3000 will work flawlessly with the short lens but will not fire the shutter at all with the 200mm or the 300mm lens on. Help!

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