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Honda Odyssey Radio code

Honda odyssey codigo del radio

Necesito saber cuál es el código de un radio Honda Honda odyseey 2008

Google translation

Honda odyssey radio code

I need to know what the code within Honda Odyseey 2008

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I got a working Honda radio code from https://radiocodevault.com/honda/

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gisellejmnzd the radio serial number is typically on a sticker in the glovebox. There are also a couple of ways to find that number. One way is by reading the serail number from the display on the radio.

Retrieve Serial Number from Device Display

1. Turn the ignition switch to ON.

2. Turn ON the device and confirm that the display reads COdE. If you don’t see this message, pull the backup fuse for 1 minute, and then go back to step 1.

3. Turn OFF the device.

4. Press and hold the 1 and 6 radio preset buttons, and turn ON the device. The display toggles between two screens: U with the first 4 digits of the serial number (U2200 for example,)

And L with the last 4 digits of the serial number (L0055 for example.)

5. Ignore the U and L and record all 8 digits. i.e.-22000055.

Once you have the serial number, you enter it into this website along with the VIN.

Or you could call Honda Customer Assistance. at (800) 999-1009

Check this video for more ideas.

Google Translation

el número de serie de radio está típicamente en una pegatina en la guantera. También hay un par de maneras de encontrar ese número. Una forma es mediante la lectura del número serail de la pantalla de la radio.

Recuperar el número de serie del dispositivo de exhibición

1. Coloque el interruptor de encendido en ON.

2. Encienda el dispositivo y confirme que la pantalla lee el código. Si no ve este mensaje, tire del fusible durante 1 minuto, y luego volver al paso 1.

3. Deben apagar el dispositivo.

4. Pulse y mantenga pulsado los botones 1 y 6 preestablecidos de radio, y encienda el dispositivo. La pantalla alterna entre dos pantallas: U con los 4 primeros dígitos del número de serie (U2200 por ejemplo,)

y L con los últimos 4 dígitos del número de serie (L0055 por ejemplo).

5. No haga caso de la U y L y registrar los 8 dígitos. es decir-22000055.

Una vez que tenga el número de serie, que lo inserta en [sitio web https://radio-navicode.honda.com/|this] junto con el VIN.

O bien, podría llamar a la Asistencia al cliente de Honda. al (800) 999-1009

Compruebe this video para obtener más ideas.

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To find out the radio code for your Honda Odyssey radio, take a look at the below website.


They have a guide on there which will explain to you exactly what you need to do in order to unlock your radio for free, it's worth a try as I've used this website a few times on different cars, admittedly not for a honda as I've never owned one but the method has worked for my other cars.

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unlock Honda Odyssey radio code generator - it can be done here!

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Cómo abtener al código de mi radio Honda Odyssey 2004

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i am trying to find out what my code is for my Radio Because the battery died and got a new one and then the radio did not work I have the cearl numbers 5fnrli8042b04984

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What's the radio code for my 2002 Honda Odyssey

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No encuentro el código del radio de honda odisey 2008 número de serie 11104868

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Cuál es mi código honda Odyssey


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My Honda Odyssey have no radio since it was 7 months ago..it show a code error E on the screen..pls help me..George at Oxnard

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