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Das Huawei Mate 8 kam im November 2015 mit Android OS v6.0 auf den Markt. Das Telefon hat eine Bildschirmdiagonale von 6 Zoll und ist mit 32GB Speicher/3GB RAM oder 64GB Speicher/4GB Ram erhältlich. Die Rückkamera hat eine Auflösung von 16MP, die Frontkamera 8MP. Das Huawei Mate 8 hat ebenfalls einen nicht entnehmbaren Li-Po 4000 mAh Akku.

15 Fragen Alle anzeigen

My new simcard wont work

i recently chnaged my sim card from the company telia to telenor but now that i transferd to the new sim card my honor 8 wont recognise it. when i go to the sim tool kit it says "insert a SIM card" and i can currently only use emergency callls

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I don't know where you are (I assume it is Sweden maybe?) but here is a link that shows the frequency bands supported by your phone (it is a Huawei Honor 8 isn't it?) and also the bands supported by both Telia and Telenor, (scroll down to find the two carriers). It may be that the area in which you are that Telenor does not use a frequency compatible with your phone, e.g. Telenor doesn't support LTE B20 signals but Telia does and maybe that is what is being used in your area.


It might also be that it is a faulty SIM card. Can you prove that it works by inserting it in a Telenor network compatible phone?

Also I don't know how it works where you are, but is the phone 'locked' to one carrier and it needs to be unlocked?

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