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The first generation Honda CRV, produced from 1995 to 2001.

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Fuel pump needs replacing.

My car is running but hesitates when I give it gas, then it surges. I believe it is the fuel pump. Would like to do it myself. Is it really difficult?

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I would check for vacuum leaks before condemning the fuel pump.


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@paintmarrow not to complicated. Here are the instructions:

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Disconnecting the car battery before replacing the fuel pump is also a good idea.


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Check EGR and gas filter

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Did the replacing the fuel pump work?


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So i have a 01 honda crv… when i turn car on it idels crazy. Then sometimes my rpm gage will work sometimes not. It stoped working when i tried to give my car gas. It was stuffering like it was trying to shut off as i was going down road. Sometimes it will die when i come to a stop. I gave to put it in neutral and keep foot on gas. Then there are days she runs great . Put in new filter. And a idle air control sensor. And its still doing it. It didnt start this until i got timming belt done. The shop has looked at it and its not because of the timming .. so please help what could it

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