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A economically priced 15.6 inch Laptop with 4 GB Memory and Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit.

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Why won't my laptop turn on?

I was using my laptop it suddenly turned off and does not matter how hard or how many times I hit the power button nothing happens.

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2 Antworten

Make sure that your laptop is charged when you try to turn it on. Also ensure that you have a functioning battery and charger.

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You may have a faulty charger/battery or potentially a dead motherboard. To check if your charger is working, plug in the computer and see if it will turn on. If your computer still does not turn on, check to see if the light located on the charger is working. If there is not a light on, the charger may be dead. Consider buying a replacement charger. If the charger's light is turning on, plugged in, and the laptop is still not turning on, the mother board may not be working. Try looking over the trouble shooting page located at: Dell Inspiron M5110 Troubleshooting

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