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Vierte iPhone Generation. Die Reparatur an sich ist unkompliziert, aber Frontglas und LCD müssen gemeinsam ersetzt werden. GSM mit 8, 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität, Modell A1332 in schwarz und weiß.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

black screen and cannot restore


my iphone suddenly went black. i've tried to restore it but the itunes saies that there is a problem.

(i connected the lcd to my friend's phone and it worked just fine).

how can i fix it?



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What error code is it? Also was the phone ever water damaged?


no water damage. and it code 2003


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1 Antwort

Error codes in the 2000 range are generally related to USB problems, make sure you're using a high powered USB port directly on your computer, no hubs, no keyboards. Make sure they only things plugged into your USB ports are your phone, keyboard & mouse...nothing else. Disable or uninstall all firewalls & anti-virus software.

Source :https://discussions.apple.com/thread/261...

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