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The HP G62 is a laptop series produced by HP. G62 laptops are identifiable by the model number G62-XXX-XX, and endings vary depending on options and seller.

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How to repair power conector to motherboard?

The power button was ripped from motherboard. Damaged both the ribbon and the conection to the mother board. How to repair?

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send a picture hard to tell without model specs or any additional details. has the button come off the motherboard or the shell/case? was it soldered onto the motherboard? does it have a ribbon cable connection?

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Thank you for your concern much appreciated. The power button the ribbon and the conector to the motherboard are gone.All of these were pulled out in a fit of rage.I ended up with the laptop, which is basiclly new until these characters got a hold of it.I would like to know if it is fixable?


From what it sounds like to me is that you will need to have the button from the shell, the ribbon cable that connects the button to motherboard, along with the ZIF (zero insertion force) ribbon cable connector purchased. The most difficult thing to replace will be the ribbon cable connector which will need to be re-soldered back onto the motherboard. If you still have the old one it may be usable. The remaining parts should be fairly cheap to purchase on ebay.


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