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Repair guides and support for the third-generation 5D, a DSLR camera released by Canon in 2012.

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battery drain in system.

the 5D mark !!! was left turned on and was not set on auto power off ,it totally drained the power and battery system .is this an expensive repair job . thanks .

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If the battery is drained, you should be able to remove it from the bottom of the grip. It looks like that model of camera uses an LP-E6 battery to run most of the camera features. Canon has them for around $100 if you can't get that one to hold a charge. You can also search the battery model in your browser and find less expensive alternatives. I have attached a link to a user manual for this model of camera if you need guidance on the battery location.


There is also a guide on Ifixit, that I have linked below, on replacing the button-cell battery that stores the date and time. It is a relatively simple procedure.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III Interne Batterie ersetzen

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