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The Canon EOS 60D is a 18 MP DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera with an articulating LCD screen. The camera was released August 2010 and is identified by the EOS 60D printed on the front of the camera.

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Top Digital Display Repair

I see that there is a repair guide to replace the plastic cover -> but how about the Digital Display itself?


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@murphy_iain take a look at this video around the 10min mark. Definitely not an easy job but also not very complicated. Tedious is more like it. With the cover removed it looks like the display is held in place by 3 screws

Block Image

When you replace it, don't forget to make a guide for the rest of us. Use this link to do so:-)

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I'll have to convince my friend to let me take it apart first... ;)


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