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Die Nintendo Wii Spielekonsole erschien Ende 2006 und wurde bis 2011 produziert.

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I had 2 cds in the wii...

are there any quick fixes for repairing you wii when you had 2 cds in it? both have come out... now what?

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So does your Wii no longer read any discs after you put the 2 CDs in? Sorry, it's just that you didn't explain whether you were having any problems. Does it not recognise a disc if you put one in? Does it even fit in the Wii?


Cyndaro, more information will help all of us on here to assist as much as we can. My question here is, does it need to be fixed? Is it broken?


ok, so the 2 cds came out.... but... it won't recognize any cd that is now inserted.... is it broke? can i fix it if it is? if i can't fix it... where do i send it?


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4 Antworten

So does your Wii no longer read any discs after you put the 2 CDs in? Sorry, it's just that you didn't explain whether you were having any problems. Does it not recognise a disc if you put one in? Does it even fit in the Wii?

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1st i can t say "it s broken" cuz u ll need to take off both CD, and power on the wii with only 1 CD.

take appart the wii for the 1st step, the 2nd is to take appart the dvd drive, unscrew the screws on the top dvd drive to take off the dvd.

(check the step by step guide)

power on the wii and test your dvd drive

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Cyndaro, here are the instruction for the WII DVD player Nintendo Wii DVD Laufwerk austauschen and the part is available here Nintendo Wii DVD Drive and here are the instructtions to POSSIBLY fix the DVD drive http://www.somelifeblog.com/2008/06/nint.... Yo get it repaired in case you can not do it yourself, you could start with Nintendo http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/repair/... or do a Google search and see what is available in your particular region. Good luck with your WII

Replace a broken or damaged optical drive compatible with a Nintendo Wii game console. Bild


Nintendo Wii DVD Drive


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I used a very thin metal scraper or putty knife with painters tape wrapped around it,slide it in carefully and the cd will stick and ease it out

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