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auto transmission slipping in upper gears

trying to find out steps to do auto trani fluid flush for this car see if I can prolong it's life can't locate manual

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I did transmission flush but my car still slips when it's going into maybe 3rd


My car can only shift manually and the fluid level keeps changing and it also loops rpms go up and down on there own, shifts real hard.


I Have to much problems my car still slip,Honda accord 2002 transmission problem?


My honda 2002 transmission slips wen going from 1-2, and 2-3, I have changed transmission fluid but the problem still persists...what next can I do to solve this


Changing fluid and filter add 30 % lucas transmission stop slip or more if. You have more then 100kninbthe tranny try it make sure tondina proper flush


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I do not think that a tranny flush will resolve your issues or even prolong the inevitable (to have your tranny rebuild) A filter change and fluid change may helpa bit but again :( Here are some other possibilities. There are many causes of automatic transmission slipping as the system itself is quite complex in its make up. Here are some of the prime automatic transmission slipping causes.

Torque Converter Malfunction

Modern automatic transmission systems are hydraulic in nature and the power for driving the transmission comes through the torque converter. It is the torque converter which pressurizes the transmission fluid and provides hydraulic power to shift gears. A malfunctioning torque converter, with a reduced pressurizing capacity can be one of the main causes of automatic transmission slipping.

Transmission Band Problems

For the proper working of an automatic transmission unit, it is vital that the transmission bands are adjusted well. If they are not, gears can slip out of place and cause the transmission to slip.

Worn Out Gears of Transmission

Gears which have worn out along with warn out transmission bands can be the prime causes of a slipping transmission. Warn out gears do not engage properly causing the transmission to slip.

Drop in Level of Transmission Fluid

One of the common reasons of slipping in automatic transmission is inadequate levels of transmission fluid which adversely affects gear functioning and its shifting leading to slipping.

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honda accord 1998-2002 have a baxma or maxba tranny with inherent failure problems at 150k mileage. honda has returned to the dw1 trans fluid factoring out the z-1 which created cold weather problems to a allready lousy tranny. it will behave better if you dont fill to the full line on the hatch mark side of the dip stick. which would be 2 1/4 quarts rather than the specified 2 1/2 with a drain and fill. and never power flush your old honda tranny. this could blow out seals. just drain and fill depending on mileage every 10k .and only use honda d1. any other fluid including additives might worsen the slip.


@peter It wasn't just this one - most Honda automatics outside of the Civic from these old pre 2010-ish cars are notoriously known to be weak. Civic Type R and Si are fine, but there's no automatics on those to fail :-). Being manual only makes older ones immune to this problem. Their manuals have always been bulletproof but 150-200k automatic failures are common on old cars like this.

Only permanent fix is to do a manual tranny swap - but that totals the car out and you need to reprogram the ECU to see that on top of needing to change to MTF, add a 3rd pedal and any other required modifications.


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To everybody that thinks your tranny has failed please check your lock up sensor there is 2 filters on it if its clogged it will cause transmission slipping due to not getting enough tranny flued to torque converter

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I am wondering where I can find these two filters on my 2000 accord lx 2.3 vtech.


I found a shift solenoid on amazon 155$ this has the 2 screens that get clogged on the old solonoid. This is external and removed with a 10 mm wrench. However this is a wait and see gamble if it in fact solved a shift problem on a nortious defective 1998-2003 baxma tranny.


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To change the fluid in an automatic transmission you usually need a transmission fluid exchange machine. Unfortunately, these are rather expensive for the average person, so I recommend going to a mechanic for an automatic transmission flush. My understanding is that transmission flushes should be done around every 60,000 miles or every 5 years. However, new cars with synthetic fluid may be recommending every 100,000 miles or 10 years

Manual transmissions are another story and it is usually very easy to change the fluid in them yourself.

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Whoa! Hondas should never be flushed with a machine only drain and fills.


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Brandon is right, also check to see if your throttle position sensor has a flat spot, but to do this you need to go hook it up to a lab scope and see if you have any glitches or drop outs, this can cause shifting problems and is commonly overlooked

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Thank you good information to know


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low fluid level, burnt fluid, worn or broken bands gears, clutch, solenoid issues, leaks, torque convecter issues. depending on the mileage probably the clutch, if your trying to prolong the life of it get a mechanic to come and have a look, could turn into an expensive trip to a garage if wrongly diagnosed.

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My son has a 2002 Accord. About a week ago he had problwms with it going over 40-45 mph. He would also hear a sound simular to and air leak while he was pressing on the gas. Now he can't go over 5mph. He checked the level on the stick and it was fine. I was wondering if he should check/change the filter/s and where ahould I look to find out where the filters are?


@Darian Hamlett that sounds like the cars in limp mode, is there any lights on the dash, if so get the codes read. quick check for air leaks first in neutral, follow the air intake all the way to the throttle body, look for any splits or damage to pipes, spray carb cleaner on the clamps and connections, if the idle changes or stalls then that's your culprit. Haynes or workshop manual off the web for around £20, worth buying f your keeping the car for a while


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You may want to google the recalls on the accord, Honda was offering compensation for the transmission and other parts up to a certain amount of miles.

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You need to replace worn out gears too if there is noise while driving in high speeds.

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Step one of transmission diagnosis is fluid level and condition. See your owners manual for how to check it.

There's a maint interval listed in the same manual, hopefully youve been following it. If not, bring it up date.

Changing the fluid with the correct fluid listed in the manual usually never hurts unless your tranny is totally worn out (and near death anyway).

If general, I prefer to drop the pan and change the pan gasket (and maybe the filter depending on the vehicle). Dropping the pan allows you totally wipe the dirt out of it, and they fluid usually comes out a lot cleaner than it does with a flush.

I suggest asking oldturkey03 where the "band adjustment" is on your accord tranny (sarcasm). That guy has no business giving advice. He just googled some crap. Check elsewhere on the net, iatn.net or honda and accord forums for more accurate info (or ask a real honda expert). These 98-2005 accord V6 are known for tranny probs.

Oldturkey should also tell you how many torque converters that he's seen go bad, because in all my years as a mechanic i've never had to replace one.

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Can you please tell old turkey where the trans fluid pan is on this transmission and filter I've been trying to find it


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If my 2009 honda accord has slipping problem after I change the Transmission fluids what can I do next my 2nd and third gear slips .do I have a chance of fixing this problem rather then buying a new transmission

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Make sure you use only honda ATF when you change the fluid. If you put regular ATF it will cause slipping and shifting issues. Hondas are very picky.


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Before you spend 2 or 3,000.00 on a rebuild try a 16 oz. bottle of Transx in the yellow bottle. There is a 32 oz. In blue bottle don't use it use yellow bottle usually about 14.99 in parts stores.

Many times slipping or even won't move or will backup but not forward or vice versa is due to stuck plungers in the valve body of transmission. When you add crank car up and let run 10 to 15 minutes then put in every gear several times with brake applied…

I have a friend that has seen many start pulling and shifting perfectly…

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I have an Accord which currently has 183,000 miles. One day last summer it started revving at highway speed (55-60) so i pulled off and let it cool down for about 15 minutes. Then started it again and drove back home about 5 miles.Ordered a new trans. Shift selinoid and removed old one. Noticed that there were metal filings all around the screens (2)I replaced with new one and transmission jerked a couple of times after install. Made sure fluid was up to mark. After that drove another 6 months no problems. Now it just did it again as i was going through town. It was about 40 degrees on startup.

Also when i apply braked car jerks on stopping. I'm sure transmission has seen its end of useful life. Was hoping that would have solved problem but wishful thinking. Needs a less used transmission.Replace it if you have similar problems and remember Honda transmission fluid only in those cars.

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all 1998- 2003 accords have defective transmissions the only help is use Honda fluid and change out approx 15 k mileage. lift foot off gas slightly when shifting between gears and it hates rolling to a stop and then accelerating , the transmissions are crap but one fellow i know got 250k with a 2002 shifting lousy,

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