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The ZTE Grand X Max is a 6" smartphone by ZTE released in October 2014.

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How to lock text messages?

How can i lock text messages I receive from being deleted over time?

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I am not sure what message app you are using, but I use the Google Messages app, and so far I have year old texts.

Alternatively you can use SMS Backup+ and have your messages automatically saved to your gmail account.

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No we are speaking of the normal text messages that come on your phone not in app


Iashannda, all texts and MMS are handled by an app.


I have a zte max blade 3 i found if tap the corner of the text it will show what your looking for. I hope this helps you.


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I can't seem to figure out how to lock my text messages on this phone. I have only had it since early December but had the same phone prior n could lock my messages. So I am confused n don't have my manual it is storage b please HELP ME

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I can't either,it's really getting to me.

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heather wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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