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needle hits the bobbin

brother sewing machine needle hits the bobbin when I sew

Update (05/08/2017)

needle hits the bobbin out of line with?

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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Hi! Guess, that’s an old one, yet I found this topic when I was looking for a fix for my Brother CS6000i (computerized one, specs are here) and decided to share some tips. Try a new bobbin case, make sure shaft of needle is towards the back, use air to blow out where needle is placed, your needle may not be all the way up, make sure the little screw is actually holding the needle in place, make sure your bobbin turns clockwise when you pull the thread, make sure your top tension isn't so tight it bends the needle.

Make sure the little finger bar that holds the bobbin assembly in place is holding it in place.

Also, make sure you’re using right needles for machine.

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Can we talk about this embroidery problem on WhatsApp +2348059176627 that my WhatsApp number thanks am Midex by name


How/where can I get hoop, bobbin even the machine itself


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op stallings wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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