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vtm-4, vsa and abs warning light

vtm-4, vsa and abs warning light going on and off

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Khalif Abdirahman, You did not state your year and model#, so I will post some what generic answer. Could be loose/damaged/corroded wiring/plug to a wheel speed sensor or bad sensor, there are other possibilities also. Since the vtm-4, vsa and abs warning light was going on and off, codes should be store which could direct you to the issue. Some of the auto parts suppliers offer free code reading like Pepboys, Nappa, Advanced auto parts,etc and some of the guys are very knowledgeable and may have seen the issue often and put you on the right track. If there equipment by chance can not retrieve the codes you may possibly have to take it into a repair shop that have better scan tool to retrieve codes to help diagnose. You can also possibly try retrieving the vtm-4 codes your self, method at the informative link below. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.


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I have a 2003 Honda Pilot that would display the ABS warning light and VTM-4 warning light. I found that a mechanic had removed the right side ABS Sensor and left it. After I remounted the sensor into the hub, both warnings cleared.

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whats the issue? when going over 60 in a 2012 honda pilot, sometimes vtm4, traction, and abs light come on. After you turn the car off and drive down the road, they disappear. Anyone know the cause. Might be an abs sensor but who knows...

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ABS and AFS warning light comes on when the vehicle starts, and remains illuminated, why?

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