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The Honda Insight is a hybrid electric vehicle that was manufactured and marketed by Honda between 1999 and 2006, 2009 through 2014, and 2018 through the present.

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Eating oil...not leaking oil

Daughter has 2013 Honda Insight with approx 53K. Low oil light came on, then check engine light. This is between oil changes. Took in to check oil, needed 3 quarts. Hasn't needed that much oil between changes before. Why would it be burning so much oil?

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There is several possible reason for the oil consumption but the most probable is the wrong oil was put in at the last oil change . If you put in too heavy an oil it can stick to the cylinder wall and does not get cleaned by the rings and ends up burning off in the cylinder too light an oil can pass through the valve guides and once again be burned off in the combustion chamber. If your PCV valve is plugged it can pressurize the oil pan and also cause the car to burn oil.I would recommend changing the oil and making sure it receives the proper weight oil and also have the PCV valve changed then watch the oil level closely for the next while to see if this helped or if theres a more serious problem like worn rings or valve sets. Hope this helps

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You might consider this Honda Technical Service bulletins that admits to oil consumption problems and raises their warranted on 2012 and 2013 Insight engines to 8 years, unlimited mileage! https://honda.oemdtc.com/372/warranty-ex...


Hello.we ask about jdm engine LDA instead of LDA3 2012 to repair the engine oil lose.thanks for all


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The engine may consume oil at a rapid rate due to oil control rings getting clogged with carbon deposits.

Vehicles affected by service bulletin:

  • 2012 Honda Insight
  • 2013 Honda Insight

Corrective action: Dealers will install new pistons, piston pins, rings and spark plugs.

Warranty info: This service is being performed free of charge under Honda’s new-car or extended warranty, whichever applies.

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