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Modell A1312 / Mitte 2010 / 3.2 GHz Core i3 oder 2.8 & 3.6 GHz Core i5 oder 2.93 GHz Core i7, ID iMac11,3

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iMac 27" HD upgrade

I know you have to use the same brand HD because of different internal temperature sensor interface, which controls cooling and fan speed.

Mine is a seagate, and you do not have the 2TB disk available.

If you use a new, for different brand, temperature sensor cable (see: http://www.shopwiki.com/iMac+Hard+Drive+...

bottom part), could you use a different brand HD?

Is the MB end of the cable the same on all brands of HD?

Is the HD brand somehow "embedded" in the imac firmware or bios?Thanks

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I've emailed my rep at OWC for help with this question and hopefully she will give us some insight. It may take a day or two as shes snowed in.

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Hi Mayer...

Sorry for the late reply! OWC discussed this issue back in 11/09 regarding the drive temperature sensing in the late '09 iMacs. It turns out that replacing the original drive with the exact same model wasn't always a fix!

OWC pursued it a bit further and found that if the user wants to replace their iMac hard drive it is 'at their own risk'. We provided links for the original hard drive models and also links to purchase the heat sensing cable as a courtesy to our readers.

Take a look at the article and the following comment thread at:http://blog.macsales.com/2751-proprietar...

Hope this helps!

OWC Angela

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+ Thanks so much for your help Angela


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You just need the correct cable for the brand of hard drive you are going to use. I have replaced several of the drives from Apple where they send different brand of drives with the new cable. There is no configuration or anything you need to do just plug in the new cable.

What brand of hard drive are you going to use? I can try and find the correct part number for the sensor cable for you.

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