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Budget Gaming PC Tips

Any recomendation for a 700 - 800 gaming pc?

im on a budget and im a bigginner pc builder

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Well, you could totally watch videos on YouTube about HOW to build your new PC.

As for my recommendation, it would be the following setup, which comes in at precisely 800$, not factoring in Windows, Office, a monitor or any peripherals:

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well i was thinking about ryzen 1500x and rx 570 :P


The RX 570 is overpriced right now and they are really hard to come by because of all the Bitcoin miners and is still weaker in benchmarks then the GTX 1060.

The Ryzen 5 1500X is also slightly weaker then the 1600 and both are overclockable.


Of course it's your money and all, but keep in ming that you can save some dollars by buying a mATX board. You just get fewer expansion ports, but I'm guessing that you wouldn't be using SLI or Crossfire anyway.


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