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Model number NX785QC8G, released in 2014. RK3188 Quad core ARM Cortex A9/1.6GHz Processor, 1GB DDR RAM.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Dnx fastboot mode how to get out of it

My tablet is stuck in Dnx fastboot mode. Ive hooked it up to my laptop thru the usp port. But my laptop says I dont have the drive installed on my laptop. But I dont know what drive I need to install to fix it.

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There's is an existing thread on this.

How do I exit DnX mode?

No answers so far.

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Hold power button.


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How to get out on a kurio table thednx mode fastboot command

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Hold the circle and the power down at the same time and go on from there.

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