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The ZTE ZMax Pro is identified by its black color, rear fingerprint sensor and its model name, Z981, which can be found under the rear case.

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Will not turn on just blinks

Hi I have a problem with my zte zmax pro. It will not turn on an the screen has not ever shown an image. If I hold down the volume up and down without the power button it will show up on my pc. It will not boot into recovery or download mode. I was wondering if there was any way to flash stock software staright through my pc sense the phone will appear. Is there any way to flash stock rom without the phone being in recovery mode?

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For the record you posted this yesterday. But anyway,


Oh it feels like a long time fsr


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Gewählte Lösung

If you have this issue it means the phone isn’t sensing the battery. As mine had the battery connector unplugged presumable from a drop. I hope this helps someone as it fixed mine.

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You should never put your phone n the freezer to reserve battery life ! You have water damage to your phone that is why it is not sensing the battery . You might as well presume it dead for good. It's not worth spending money on to fix either. This information I'm giving you is from experience only . Hope it helps you out . :)


No I said putting it in the freezer helped it show a screen. I disassembled it and found out that the battery was unplugged so I just plugged it back in. It was working fine when I made this post. Also if you leave it in the freezer for a short amount of time it shouldn't do any damage ot your device


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Hilfreichste Antwort

If you don't care for data loss, follow this Procedure:

"Master reset with hardware keys

A master reset restores the original factory settings and may delete your personal data on the internal storage, such as downloads, ringtones, images, apps, contacts, and Visual Voicemail. It does not delete data stored on the SIM card or SD card. If the device menus are frozen or unresponsive, you can master reset using hardware keys.

Back up data on the internal memory.

With the device turned off, press and hold the Volume Up and Power buttons until the ZTE logo screen appears, then release.

Press the Volume down button to highlight wipe data/factory reset.

Press the Power button to select.

Press the Volume down button repeatedly until Yes -- delete all user data is highlighted.

Press the Power button to select.

Wait as the device resets."

for more info go to https://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-27...

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If this is what you wanted, make sure to hit accept answer! that will give me and you reputation!


I already mentioned it will not boot into recovery mode. This is the first thing I tried to do.


Oops Haha... Let me do more searching


Im so sorry for the inconvinience


Hmmm... Did you do anything to it before? Drops? water damage? etc?


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No display? and it NEVER has shown a display? by that I'm presuming it's new and has a hardware defect. You should return it to get a free replacement.

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No the phone did use to work. I meant the screen has never turned on for a month. If I put it in the freezer for 5 minutes it will say dead battery but nothing else happens


Why'd you want the battery dead?


I also do not want to return the phone.


I didn't want the battery to be dead. It would stay on that screen until I unplug it and then return to blinking the home button


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Here, This will force your phone to reboot. http://www.hardreset.info/devices/zte/zt...

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If this helps make sure to mark as answer!


Do I just tap the power button once or hold it down?


Wait this is instructions of how to reboot a phone when its glitching. My phone wont even turn on.


Hold I'll presume. Hold for a minute or until it reboots.


I have. In fact for an hour. The phone wont do anything. It will be recognized by my pc if I hold down vol up and down. Is there anyway to force it into recovery mode from my pc?


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Yeah. You cannot fix the problem . Its better just to dispose of it properly because it has water damage( from probably water from the freezer or dropping it in the toilet) and it's not worth spending a lot of money on it to try and repair.

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this was no help at all.

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I had the same problem. Just let it charge for 10-20 min. And then turn it on and might sound crazy but plug another charging port and it should work.

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