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The HP Envy x360 m6-aq103d has touchscreen and 360° capability, which makes it a 2-in-1 for those that want a laptop and tablet in one device. Model number: W2K45UA.

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How do I replace the keyboard

Is the keyboard integrated into the top cover? It doesn't seem to be removable after all other components are out. The keyboard is held to the black plastic mounting board by melted over pins, and the mounting board seems to be adhered to the top cover.

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I have this problem too on my aq003dx. I just ordered a replacement keyboard and have stripped everything out. I'm thinking heading the rubber rivets with a soldering gun and removing them and then replace them with something else


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@mrconfused download the maintenance manual from here. It'll help you with your task.

Update (05/20/23)

Just realized that I did not update my answer. Old age ;-) Anyhow, the plan from HP is that you need to replace the whole top cover/palmrest for this. The keyboard is riveted to that. You could try and remove those rivets and replace the keyboard only, but you will then need to secure the keyboard with a bunch of small screws.

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The manual does not tell you how to replace the keyboard, the keyboard is attached to the upper case under a metal frame which is fixed by plastic rivets


Hi, in the manual doesn't appear how to change the keyboard... did you make it? I have the same problem, but the keyboard is totally in the bottom of everything... I don't know what to pull out first.


Hi Jorge, I have the same problem. I have been trying to find instructions to replace my keyboard. I called HP and they were not helpful at all. Most of their laptops have instructions on replacing the keyboards. However, no help on this model.


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They best way to replace this keyboard is to replace the whole bottom lid with the keyboard attached. You may have to buy a parts machine from ebay.

I did find the keyboard but the teardown video does not show how to replace it.

Teardown video

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