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Lid to battery compartment broken

I love my Canon Powershot A560, especially as it has a viewfinder, as when sunny the screen is impossible to see.

However, the hinged cap that conceals the battery compartment has broken.

Can it be repaired?


Christine Trufitt

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1 Antwort

@ctrufitty yes you can. Follow the first 6 steps of this guide Canon PowerShot A550 Vorder- und Rückabdeckung abnehmen since those are pretty identical to your camera.


After the FRONT COVER UNIT is removed, be sure to discharge the main capacitor installed in the

FINDER/FLASH UNIT with use of a discharging resistor. (Discharging resistor: 1 kΩ, approx. 5W)

Never touch the terminal section of the capacitor.

These instructions are from a slightly different model but are typical of Canon's A-model battery cover assembly.

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Since there are not good guides on ifixit for this repair yet, you could create some while you do your repair. That would be really helpful for the next person. Use this guide https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/new for that.

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