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Function key drivers missing since windows update

Asus K55A Laptop running Windows 10 Home

Since a recent update, I have no drivers for my function/hot keys. I tried installing the Asus drivers, but still no luck.

BTW, keys for sound and wireless work; none of the others (specifically the touchpad hot key).

Any advice?

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hi eris. i also got a same problem. have you slove this problem?? all fn works except f9 and f2,f3 for keyboard backlit. i think for f9 you need to download asus smart gesture driver but for f2 and f3 i still cant solve it even after updating my driver including run h.control.



Did you try doing as suggested in the Chosen Solution below?

If you did and it still didn't work try the following:

Try uninstalling the ATK package and the Smart Gesture drivers from the laptop,

Restart the laptop,

Install the latest ATK package only (use link in Chosen Answer below),

Restart the laptop,

Install the latest Smart Gesture drivers (use link in Chosen Answer below)

Restart the laptop to see if it works OK .


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Gewählte Lösung

Hi @edesign ,

Here is a link to the latest Asus Win 10 drivers for your laptop.

Download and install the ATK Package drivers and the Smart Gesture drivers.

>>>>>>> Install the ATK package drivers first before the Smart Gesture drivers <<<<<<<<<

See the Note near the top of the webpage regarding installing the drivers.

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If the FN Key for certain functions work, that would mean it is not a problem with the function key or a driver, it would mean that function was most likely removed or remapped, not broken. I'd recommend finding a key mapping software to set a new one, or if you want the hotkey that bad, go to Settings and rollback your update to the previous version. Good luck!

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Thanks, @reedcrosby04 . That's what I figured. Just checking if someone might have a better solution.:)


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