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The ASUS ZenPad 3S 10 is a 9.7-inch tablet in the ZenPad line released by ASUS in October 2015. Model: P027.

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Bricked device, new logic board

Hello everyone!

A few months ago I bricked my Asus Z500M (non-LTE version) and now I'm not even able to connect it to my pc (stuck on boot logo and no download or recovery mode) and flash the raw software through the Asus Flash Tool.

I was wondering which one could be the best option:

1)Replace the logic board (100€), the biggest concern here is that I don't know if I will be able to use this tablet even with a different serial number/IMEI.

2)"Repair" the eMMC by reprogramming it (I have no idea of how it can be done or which tools are needed)

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search for “stuck on boot logo” - I was able to hard reset mine, and along the search I saw that answer

do you get to the screen with robot laying down and a red triangle coming out of the chest?

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btw, I have a similar problem - but coming from a cracked digitizer;

Debating if I shoould swap the motherboard from a locked similar, or remove and swap digitizers....


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