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The second generation Optima, known as the Kia Magentis globally except the United States and Malaysia, and as the Kia Lotze in South Korea, was launched in South Korea in November 2005.

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Front wheel bearing relpacement

How does one go about removing and replacing the front wheel bearings on the 2008 Kia Optima?

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Unfortunately, I looked up your vehicle and it appears that you have pressed bearings, meaning you can’t undo couple bolts and put a new one, you have to have a press and a couple other tools. Your best bet is to take it to a shop, it’ll pay off just not having to do it yourself it’s a pain. Unless you like working on cars then look up “how to replace pressed-in bearings” Goodluck!

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just look for your bearing on Ebay but make sure you order the correct OEM number. You can get this by googling OEM and the part name.

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