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The Asus ROG Strix GL702VM-BHI7N09 is a gaming computer released by Asus in January 2017.

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Replace broken internal speakers?

I bought new parts for the internal speakers, but I'm not sure how to install them. I have updated the audio drivers several times previously but to no avail. My guess is an acquaintance of mine accidentally blown the speakers resulting the problem.

Update (04/01/2018)

The audio worked fine when I was using my earphones.

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Is the audio OK when using headphones?

If not then perhaps the speakers are not the problem and you may have a problem with the audio controller.

As it is most probably mounted on the motherboard, the simple way to get around the problem would be to use a USB sound card.

Update (04/01/2018)


Just covering all bases. ;-)

Cannot find a speaker replacement guide for your laptop but here is a link to the ifixit Asus ROG Strix GL702VM-BHI7N09 Hard Drive Replacement guide, which should get you access to the motherboard. Hopefully it will be easy to see how to replace the speakers once you have got that far.

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