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Erschienen im März 2017, ist das G6 LGs Flaggschiff-Smartphone mit Android 7.0. Dieses Gerät ist bei den meisten Händlern erhältlich. Eine Reparatur dieses Geräts kann die Wasserdichtigkeit beschädigen und das Gerät anfällig für Wasserschäden machen.

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would the glass back be considered hardware

i am being told that the back glass by itself is being considered as hardware.

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Software is nebulous code written by geeks. Like a song or poetry.

Hardware you can drop and break.

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does hardware need to have a function for the device to operate?


That's a bit esoteric and not my purpose here. Here's a video on function vs purpose.



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I would think yes, as it is a part of the device. Now I can see why you are asking as a phone would work without the glass back but is part of it.

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