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Vorgestellt am 16. September 2016. Modelle A1661, A1784 und A1785. Verfügbar mit 32, 128 oder 256 GB internem Speicher in den Farben Rose-Gold, Gold, Silber, Schwarz, Diamantschwarz und Rot.

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Toolkit to get bye on

My name is Jim hope all is well I have iPhone 7which will need complete front screen and maybe batteryalso I have Samsung 7,chromebook Acer nee and couple older laptops Toshiba and Dell and alot little electronic stuff I tinker with older GPS uints,fuzzbusters and so on just wondering what you guys think I can get bye on as far as some tools go.Now they will be in tool box most of the time until needed I'm 60 YERS OLD NOW JUST DONT WANT TO SPEND A WJOLE LOT ,,HEARS MY EMAIL HOPE TO HEAR FROM YAS THX A BUNCH. WWOODRUFF45013@YAHOO.COM.

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I recommend you get the essential electronics toolkit from iFixit because it comes with most of the stuff a beginner would need to repair a device. I have one of these toolkits and I am a happy customer because none of the tools have failed or been unsatisfactory; I have repaired countless amounts of devices with this toolkit! It’s reasonably priced, too.

Essential Electronics Toolkit

Our gateway kit to electronics repair, perfectly sized and priced for essential electronics repair. Bild


Essential Electronics Toolkit


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iFixit has a great selection of tools. Browse thru the store on this site. Here

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