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The Dell Inspiron 15-3543 was released as a part of Dell's 3000 series in December 2014. It can be identified by model number: i3543. For information on how to find your model number, refer to the "Background and Identification" section on this page.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Why is my laptop showing consider replacing your battery?

hai my laptop is showing consider replacing your battery.i watched a video on youtube and made some changes like decreasing low battery level,critical battery level,reserve battery level and also waited for the laptop to discharge upto 3% and made to hibernate and restarted my laptop.even though there is no change.another point is critical battery level is not reducing less than 3%.

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You battery is likely just old, and needs replaced for safety/performance reasons. There isn’t much you can do to revive a dying battery, but you can prolong it’s life by doing less stressful tasks and decreasing brightness, etc. Probably best to just get a replacement battery though

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