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Airport Extreme Card compatibility with actual n-draft cards

I've got a "new" old iMac G5 with a 1.8GHz G5 CPU and when I opened the back panel I saw the Airport Extreme Card is missing (or it never got one).

When I was looking on Amazon for a new one (since I'm not living in the USA) I stumbled upon an Airport Extreme card which supports n-draft. Since the old b/g-cards aren't that fast I was wondering, if I could just install this n-draft card and enjoy my nice 300mbit network with my iMac.

Is this card compatible with this iMac?

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You need the standard Airport Extreme Card: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2256?viewl...

Here's one: [verlinktes Produkt fehlt oder ist deaktiviert: IF143-001]

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