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Angekündigt im August 2017. Das Galaxy Note8 ist der Nachfolger des durch Rückruf bekannten Galaxy Note7. Erhältlich war das Note8 im September 2017.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Can I replace the one black screw?

I set that one Black screw near the edge of the table and now it has vanished. I have other silver screws the same length. Can I simply replace the screw that’s located near the top of the logic board? I didn’t know if the Black screw was different than the others. Thank you…

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The longer screws if u tighten them in the wrong spot can end up damaging the screen… so if uve lost the screw leave it alone and dont put any other one in that hole…

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It is a little smaller in length but not by much.

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frank wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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