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Released in December 2018, the View 20 features a 6.4 inch IPS LCD 1080 x 2310 pixel display.

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After replecement of the screen, vertical lines appear

After a replecement of the screen, I started to see vertical lines. It if possible to see a demo of the lines in the video below that I took: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x79dhy...

Is it a bad screen? something else that might went wrong in the installation?

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The screen on the phone broke and I purchased this one:


It’s not my first time replacing screens, so I know how to do it. I want to verify somehow that this is a screen issue and not something else before I buy another screen…


I'm in the same situation with a Honor 7X. I got the non-OEM screen replacement without the frame from witrigs.com. I originally ordered the OEM part and, three days later, they emailed me to inform that it was out of stock and offered to me the non-OEM counterpart with a refund of the difference. Yes, I got the refund, but this part is defective.

Luckily, the touch screen is responsive and much of the display is legible enough for me to have accomplished exporting phone contacts to have them imported into my wife's new phone. This phone will very likely be recycled soon.


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It most likely is a bad screen, but there also could be something wrong with the replacement. Try describing the replacement down to every single mistake and every single detail.

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The screen on the phone broke and I purchased this one:


It’s not my first time replacing screens, so I know how to do it. I want to verify somehow that this is a screen issue and not something else before I buy another screen…

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Someons knows maybe?

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Did you ever find the answer? I went to get my phone screen repaired and this is exacly what is happening after 3 days. Thinking i might just try repair myself

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