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Das Galaxy S7 Edge ist die Variante mit gekrümmtem Bildschirm von Samsungs 2016 Flaggschiff-Smartphone, dem Galaxy S7. Angekündigt im Februar 2016 und am 11. März 2016 veröffentlicht. Modell SM-G935.

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How can I get old username

I was given samsung galaxy s7 edge. I restarted and now it requires username( the old owner doesn’t remember it). How can i fix it? Help me pleasee

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If you are talking about the Google or Samsung Account, depending of your Android Version you can bypass it, there is a lot of youtube videos, just find the right Android Version, also some websites offer you remote account removal if you want to pay for it, like ebay.

If is just password, you can factory reset it, check Youtube for Tutorials.

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you can open it very easy, just Press and hold on power button And a volume up button and home button on same time, When it works Lift your finger off the home button and volume, still hold in power button, Then you will see some choices, Just chose wipe data factory reset then yes, Then go back to the first list chose reboot system now, (((The phone will return as new))).

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