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Guides and repair information for washing machines produced by GE, an engineering and technology company in the US.

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GE Profile WPRE8150K2WT grinding and spewing bits of rubber

My GE washer has been making grinding noises on and off for a few months. The other day I found a bunch of small dark bits of stuff in the tub when the wash finished, which I figured was from something my husband left in his pocket. It just happened again and I realized that those dark bits were actually small pieces of rubber that must have come from inside the machine. Yikes! Clearly this is a serious problem. Is there a solution?

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Those little pieces of rubber are from the center seal. The grinding is from the center bearings. If I was C.S.I. the cause of bearing noise is due to the seal leaking and water eroding the bearings. But I’m not CSI and I’m not there , although there isn’t anything else that would cause thes exact symptoms . You might notice some water ad oil under the washer too

This washer would need new center seal, and bearings. I’d take a good look at the gear box. Water could have mixed with the oil. Sometimes when bearings fail the threads on the drive shaft and agitator get damaged. If damaged, they’d need replaced. The repair cost at that point wouldn’t be cost efficient. Put your money on a new washer.

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Sounds to me like the tub bearing has failed and caused damage to the tub seal. But let’s get another opinion from @ladytech first

GE Washing Machine Tub Seal - WH02X10383

Prevents water leakage between the transmission and outer tub in GE washing machines. Bild


GE Washing Machine Tub Seal - WH02X10383


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I believe your correct Mayer! The grinding is the bearings. The seal started leaking long ago, damaging the bearings til they got so badly damaged that the seal broke down. That drive shaft is probably rusted to the bearings.

Hope all is going good for you!


Thanks so much for responding.


@bqbarnard Hope this info helped you ;-)


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