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A 2-in-1 touch laptop powered by Intel Core i5 and manufactured by HP.

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How to get part number

I have a 14-ba253cl (Model: 4YN63UA)

I need a part number for replacement touchscreen assembly with digitizer

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Hi @jsumr110 ,

Here’s an image taken from p.25 of the Maintenance and service guide for the laptop, found on this webpage

It shows the part numbers for the 3 different display assemblies available for the model series.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Unfortunately I cannot be more specific than this.

You may have to dis-assemble your laptop to verify which is the correct part number of the display assembly for your model. This is usually printed on the back of the display panel.

Once you are satisfied that you have the correct part number if you search online using the appropriate part number only in the search term of your browser you will get results for suppliers of the part.

As an aside, HP partsurfer does not list any part numbers for the display assembly for your model / product number.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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