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Repair guides and troubleshooting for the Dell Inspiron 14 7447, a 14" computer in the Inspiron line that has been discontinued.

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Built in speaker issue


I formatted this laptop to factory settings and still the speaker is not functioning well. It has low volume and a choppy sound. Is the speaker damage? Where can I buy parts?

Thank you.

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Hi @fixeryan ,

Have you got the latest Dell audio drivers applicable to the OS, installed? Select appropriate Operating system and also audio in the category box to see the drivers.

Have you checked the audio using headphones connected to the headphone socket to see if it is OK there or not?

What have you checked?

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I installed the latest audio driver.

And there are no issues when using headphones.


Hi @fixeryan ,


Is there a Realtek HD Audio Manager icon showing in Control Panel?

(to get to Control panel, click on Win 10 start button on the left side of the taskbar and then type Control Panel in the search box. An options box should open with Control Panel app. Click on the app)

If so use the settings to adjust the audio to either fully left speaker or fully right speaker output to hear if you can tell which speaker is the problem.

It may sound a bit different because sometimes with "stereo" output one speaker may play the base and the other the treble for example depending on how the audio was recorded, but it should never sound choppy.

If you can determine which speaker is faulty here's a link to the service manual for the laptop taken from this webpage. Scroll to p.85 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the speakers.

Speakers are available online. Just search for "Dell 7447 speaker parts" to find suppliers.

The part number may also be printed on the speaker itself. Search using the part number only to maybe get more suppliers but you will know that it is the correct part.


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